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Commencement 2023

June 7th, 2023

On June 3, 2023, the Class of 2023 were finally ready to receive their diplomas, move their tassels from the right to the left side of their mortar boards, and head off to conquer the next challenge. It might not have been an ideal day weather-wise, but the speeches were heartwarming and inspiring.

The event saw the presence of Shabana Basij-Rasikh from SOLA as the commencement speaker, who commended the students for "never giving up."

The event also featured several student speakers. Dylan Almeida welcomed everyone to the ceremony and shared his time as a residential student at Landmark. He congratulated the Class of 2023 and shared about their persistence:

"...persistence isn't just about achieving success in a particular task or endeavor. It's about developing a mindset that allows you to overcome and push through any challenge that comes your way. It's about recognizing that failure is not an ending but a part of the journey; your journey."

Jack Bram reflected on his journey at Landmark School and hope for the future:

"I truly believe that here at Landmark, each of us is provided with the skills we need to navigate life with an LD [learning disability]...So let’s embrace the future with confidence, and feel tremendous pride for what we have achieved and for reaching this enormous milestone."

Hannah Tsouvalas, the final student speaker, talked about the importance of surrounding yourself with people who support you:

"I do genuinely feel so lucky to have found a community here who understands me. I have amazing friends who not only support me but also know what I go through on a daily basis. I have teammates and coaches who push me to be my best. And we all have teachers who really do put their best effort into making sure that we are getting the best education possible."

Mark Moreschi, parent of a graduate and president of the Landmark Parents' Association, encouraged all the seniors to stay connected to the Landmark community.

The event was a resounding success and marked a significant milestone in the lives of these young individuals. We can't wait to see what our graduates do! Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

Posted in the category High School.