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Giving Back

December 6th, 2022

Max Ash is an inventor, entrepreneur, gifted golfer, and Landmark School senior. 

What started out a fun way to make hot chocolate even more enjoyable when he was in third grade, has evolved into a successful business that Max and his family now run. Throughout all of the trials and tribulations of starting a business from the ground up, Max has kept his eyes and heart on a cause that means a great deal to him. Dyslexia. He's keenly aware of the priviledge of being able to attend a school like Landmark that serves his educational needs as a dyslexic learner and from day one, he's wanted to give back. In fact, a percentage of profits from MAX'IS Creations, goes to dyslexia-related causes. Read more about Max's story. It's really quite incredible!

And Max is happy to give back in more ways than financial means. Recently, he made a virtual presentation to a group of students from Winston School in Dallas, Texas who were interested in learning more about his story, business, and plans for the future. 


Posted in the category High School.