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Commencement, 2022!

June 7th, 2022

After several days of rain and blustery weather on the North Shore of Boston, Saturday, June 4 was a picture-perfect day for Landmark School's graduation. The 68 graduates from the Class of 2022 were finally ready to receive their diplomas, move their tassels from the right to the left side of their mortar boards, and head off to conquer the next challenge. 

High School faculty member and senior class advisor, Jim Kuhns said, "This class bore the brunt of COVID. They persisted with grit, determination, and positive attitudes through the many iterations of school during a global pandemic. They remained optimistic and were a harmonious group. They know how to work hard but have fun too." Students were regaled by fellow classmate speakers Nik Guthrie, Ciara Haggerty, and Sean Kasprzak. 

The ceremony was a masked affair for guests given the recent spike in cases but that did not deter the graduates from seizing the moment and celebrating with family and friends. 

The event marked a bittersweet moment for Head of School, Bob Broudo, as this was his last before his retirement at the end of this month. Fellow founding faculty member, Karl Pulkkinen was invited to the stage to present Bob with an honorary degree. Bob bear hugged his long-time friend and replied enthusiastically, "I always wanted a Landmark School diploma, and now I have one!" 

Landmark will always be a safe haven for our newest class of alumni. Come back to visit and stay in touch. We will miss you and have high hopes for your future. 

Posted in the category High School.