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High School Faculty Welcome Back

August 24th, 2021

Landmark High School faculty and staff started back-to-school training on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 (new faculty arrived to campus on August 9–see article). Colleagues and friends were joyful as they gathered under the tent on the Alexander lawn. 

"Hey! Nice to see you!" and "How was your summer?" rang threw the air as fist bumps and, yes, some hugs (gasp!), were shared among faculty and staff. 

"This is not the kind of place that gives the Sunday blues. I love working here," said one staff member to a newer teacher.

This positive energy and relief of seeing everyone in person instead of over a computer screen—like the start of school last year—came through as Bill Barrett, head of the High School, came to the podium to greet everyone. He referenced stickers given out at the beginning of last school year with the word "flexibility" written on them. "While we aren't ready to throw those flexibility stickers away yet, there is so much to be thankful for this year!," he said. While validating the frustrations of the continued complications caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Bill went on to talk about all he is thankful for, including being in person, having dorms open for the residential program, a commitment to our tutorial model, a community that prioritizes respect for others, our new students, and so much more.

Other High School administrators touched on similar topics. Robb Genetelli, dean of students, talked about the reopening of the residential program. Chase Collins, assistant academic dean, talked about improvements made to the tutorial diagnostics based on recent research and best practices. Scott Jamieson, director of faculty recruiting and hiring, introduced Landmark High School's 30 new teachers and staff and touched on their training as part of Landmark's Teacher Residency Program. Andrea Meade, assistant dean of students, and Jess Fauci, director of health services, updated faculty on COVID-19 protocols. And this was just the start of a 3-day training period!

As Ariel Martin-Cone, academic dean, said, "Thank you for choosing to work at Landmark and committing to serving our students. This year we are going to focus on reading and identity. I want us to see ourselves as reading teachers teaching students to read their world."

Welcome back, everyone! 

faculty training welcome back meeting

Posted in the category High School.