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Golden Croc Award May 2020

May 13th, 2020

by Amy Conant

The entire school had earned the Golden Croc in April for stepping up during this unique time in history; however, I am instructed to give it to just one deserving person. This person is, to me, a literature sommelier. When I bring students to the library, she knows their palate and through encouragement supports students to choose a book that might be pleasing to them. She broadens their literature taste by offering books similar to the one they had, or intrigues them with an entirely new venture. My students have become excited about reading the books she recommends and when they return, an enthusiastic conversation always ensues, couched in praise for the student’s accomplishments, always with an eye on the next book. 

But, it is not just students to whom our literature sommelier is a supreme gift. Teachers entering the library will find a patient, listening ear with supportive suggestions whether they be about literature, students, or something deeply personal. We meet with encouragement, guidance and love. So for these reasons the Golden Croc is being awarded to Linda Sylvester, Landmark's EMS Librarian.

Golden Croc May 2020

Posted in the category EMS.