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Fall Festivities at EMS

October 31st, 2021

The courtyard at Landmark Elementary•Middle School was transformed into Halloween Central on Friday, October 29. At the after-school Monster Bash, elementary students donned creative costumes and danced to spooky tunes spun by our own Mrs. Flannery. A panda, with some serious moves, led a conga line that grew longer with each lap around the courtyard. Students showed an impressive familiarity with classic rock songs, jumping to "Y.C.M.A" and ending the afternoon singing in unison to the fan favorite "Sweet Caroline."

When the sun went down, middle school students descended on the courtyard for an outdoor dance, the first dance the school has hosted in more than three years. The event happened in large part because students persuasively advocated for a school dance. Halloween tunes coupled with Top 40 hits blasted through the courtyard, which was  covered with fog and decorations. Students brought their A game with costumes and their best dance moves. They even got Mr. Swanson out on the dance floor! Meanwhile, Mrs. Sullivan passed out glow sticks.

Take a look at pictures from the celebrations.

EMS Halloween

Posted in the category EMS.