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EMS Students Take to the Mats

October 29th, 2020

The 2020–2021 school year is certainly one like never before. However, the administration at the Elementary•Middle School is committed to providing students as much normalcy and continuity as possible. One way to do this is by offering students a selection of on-campus and remote electives. 

New to EMS this year is a yoga elective. EMS faculty member Lisa Nichols teaches yoga to both elementary and middle school students. "It is really exciting to see the confidence and body awareness as it develops so differently in each student," she said.

The yoga elective takes place during both in-person and remote weeks. In class, students practice a combination of breathing, relaxation, positive thinking, and poses called asanas. They are learning and practicing the basic foundations of a yoga practice that can help support balance, strength, and body awareness. Students will also be introduced to a variety of poses to establish a firm foundation in yoga and will participate in guided meditations while in a savasana pose. In addition to the poses, students will be introduced to mindfulness practices to promote self-awareness and positive thinking. 

"Yoga has enhanced my own life, and I wanted to bring that to our students," Ms. Nichols said. "I am hoping that the students will take away some of the pieces of yoga that are lifelong practices to ease the body and the mind."

Given the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, yoga is a perfect outlet for our students. 

students doing yoga

Posted in the category EMS.