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Commencement 2021

June 4th, 2021

On Saturday, June 5, 2021, 80 seniors graduated from Landmark School. With a slightly new spin on the Landmark tradition, the soon-to-be graduates started their morning watching a video with messages to each graduate from their teachers in the Ansara Athletic Center. Seniors then paraded through campus, walking up "the hill" one last time and each taking a turn to ring the bell. This year commencement was held on Collins Field. Teachers lined the walk-way by "the bridge" to cheer, clap, and give fist bumps as the seniors paraded up to Collins Field led by the bag pipers and senior marshals: Stephen Bangs, Gavin Colby, Morgan Sebastian, and Nathaniel Smith. Families sat in pods around the field awaiting their arrival as seniors walked in front of the stage and took a seat with their family pod.  "This is one of the best days of the year for me. Today is a day to reap the rewards of hard work, persistence, and grit. We couldn't be more proud," said Headmaster Bob Broudo. 

Inspiring Speeches

Student speakers included Aliyah Knudsen, Ethan Kerr, Landon Alpaugh, and Mia Silverman, who entertained with humor, nostalgia, and excitement.  

Graduation 2021 Marshals


Gallery of Commencement 2021 photos

Posted in the category High School.