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Tips for Coping with Anxiety

May 7th, 2018


Whether diagnosed or not, anxiety is something many people deal with on a daily basis.

The word "anxiety" gets tossed around a lot in millennial culture, but those of us who have or feel anxiety know the great weight of the word, of the disorder.

Anxiety is an elephant sitting on your chest, shortening your breath, egging your sternum to break.

Anxiety is the sweat before seeing someone you’re nervous around or have feelings for or just need to talk to.

Anxiety bites your nails, picks at your cuticles or eyebrow hairs, grinds your teeth.

Anxiety never responds to text messages, or tells people “I don’t feel well.”

Anxiety is procrastinating all afternoon until suddenly it’s 11 p.m. and there's an entire assignment to complete.

I’ve had anxiety for my entire life, but I wasn’t diagnosed until three years ago. Through therapy I learned coping strategies for dealing with my anxiety as both a graduate student and as a teacher. I also came to realize that the cause of my anxiety was the constant feeling of “stuff.” There’s always so much “stuff” to do and never enough time to do it all. I felt like I was never in control of what was happening in my life.

Here are five tips I’ve learned to cope with anxiety that have helped me turn my life around and feel like I am in control.

1. Keep an agenda/planner that keeps track of everything.

Keeping an old-school agenda where you write down everything that needs to get done helps you see it all in one place. As students, we focus all day on writing down our homework, which often leads us to forget about other things we need to get done, making it harder to manage our time. It’s important to write down homework (or to-do lists for work), but also note when you’ll do each task. It will be easier to plan your day if you keep track of your tasks in one place; you can see when you'll be free to spend time with friends or relax, for example.

2. Make yourself to-do lists when you’re stressed.

You can maintain a to-do list on most phones, but having a physical list you can cross out or check off as you complete tasks can help you find a sense of accomplishment, even for the most menial tasks.  I make a to-do list each and every day my in agenda, and when I’m really stressed, I make a separate one for each different area of my life. For me, that means I usually have three to-do lists: work, school, and play. For a student, this might look like school, extracurricular, and friends.

3. Wake up early to practice self-care.

This is probably one tip that a lot of people will scroll right past or roll their eyes at. When I say wake up early, this doesn’t mean you need to get up at the crack of dawn. However, if you’re someone who barely has enough time to get up, shower, get dressed, and run out the door to school or work, you’re starting your day in a frenzy. The morning is the time when we could be our calmest if we let ourselves.

Try waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual—and don't hit snooze—and give yourself some time to drink a cup of coffee or tea, eat a healthy breakfast, and enjoy the silence before the day begins.

4. Eat healthy.

Eating healthy doesn’t always necessarily mean avoiding ice cream and candy. While this is a huge part of it, eating healthy also means eating regularly.  A lot of times, anxiety can cause us to have a loss of appetite or nausea. If you’ve followed steps 1–3, you’ll allow yourself time to have a healthy, revitalizing breakfast in the morning.  Make sure you eat lunch when given lunch break, rather than cramming in more work.  When you eat good, you feel good.

5. Put the phone down.

Phones have become a huge part of our lives.  Most people wake up to the alarm on their phone, and immediately start scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., without even thinking about it.  Similarly, many of us fall asleep scrolling through social media as well.  Instead, save your scrolling until your morning cup of coffee and breakfast. This way, you can get into the routine of getting up and out of bed and taking care of you, before you even think about your connections to everyone else.

Remember, anxiety isn’t something you can just make go away.  It takes hard work to develop a routine and coping strategies that work for you. It's even harder work to stick with these routines and strategies. But you are important. Your mental health is something that you need to be mindful of, and take care of yourself.

About the Author


Kaleigh Mangiarelli is a Language Arts and Tutorial Teacher and the girls varsity soccer coach at Landmark School.

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