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Alaska Visits Elementary Classes

May 1st, 2023

Several elementary classes recently completed an impressive unit project and presentation on Alaska and the Iditarod. Since January, these students have been studying the history, geography, and culture of Alaska. Their project included writing essays about the acquisition of Alaska, imagining themselves as mushers, and describing tourist destinations in the state.

To enhance their writing skills, students practiced composing shifted EKS sentences, compound, complex, and command sentences. Additionally, they studied maps and incorporated learned vocabulary to create posters, brochures, and slideshow presentations.

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of this unit project was the final product that the students compiled. They each created a 30+ page Alaska resource that included a table of contents and a glossary. They then presented their hard work to various faculty and staff during a student showcase.

This project allowed students to develop research and presentation skills, as well as a deeper understanding and appreciation of Alaska and its unique culture. Congratulations to these students for their impressive work!

Check out a related news article on Mushing, Sled Dogs, and Marla! from March 2023.

Posted in the category EMS.