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CPR-AED Training

February 13th, 2023

Learning about the human body and CPR-AED  is not only a great biology lesson, but it can also help you literally save lives! After the recent Monday Night Football incident and the public's push to have more people learn CPR-AED, this topic was all the more interesting to students.

In February 2023, Landmark eighth grade students participated in an American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR-AED certification course as part of their science class. Ms. Wilson, Landmark Middle School's Science Department Head, is an AHA Basic Life Support (BLS) instructor and helped train students along with the support from fellow science teachers, Mr. McKernan, Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs. Schwechheimer. 

Officer Jeff Morin, an advanced EMT and First Responder instructor, came in to give a demonstration (see photos below).

Students are super proud of their training and are one step closer to saving a life!

"Since four out of five cardiac arrests happen at home, the life you may save with CPR is more likely to be a loved one or someone you know than a stranger."

-Ready to learn CPR? from Harvard Health Publishing

CPR-AED presentation

CPR-AED presentation

Posted in the category EMS.