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Coming Together Like Never Before

March 26th, 2020

Life as we know it has certainly changed amid the coronavirus pandemic, but the Landmark community has come together like never before. Our teachers are providing an enriching academic experience for our students; supporting each other by sharing tips, tools, and resources; participating in group meditations; and maintaining long-held traditions, such as Purple Day and animated milkbreak meetings.

On Thursday, March 26, teachers donned purple clothing to celebrate Purple Thursday, a weekly tradition started by Assistant Math Department Head Michael Orie in 2005. Teachers shared photos of themselves in purple attire—not necessarily in dress code!

Nearly 150 faculty and staff​ members attended the virtual milkbreak on Friday, March 27. Spirits were high as teachers enthusiastically greeted each other, had their kids and pets say hello, and shared experiences about the first week of remote learning and enrichment.

"It's so fun to see everyone!," was heard repeatedly.

"I want to thank you for all your efforts. Kids are engaging and doing a good job," said Bill Barrett, head of the High School. "It was great to see people's faces and hear their voices and sense of humor. It was wonderful to be together."

Teachers offered shout-outs, praising fellow faculty members for their leadership and efforts under trying circumstances. Sheehan Gotsch presented the first virtual Silver Bullet award, to Kate Kunin, recognizing Kate for her ethics, generosity, sense of humor, and leadership in the classroom and on the soccer field. "She has been an inspiring role model and resource for so many of her students. Her ability to connect not only with her students but everyone on campus is an admirable trait. I look up to Kate."  

Visiting Virtually

Landmark's Admissions Department has also adapted to changing circumstances. The team held its first virtual Informational Visit also on March 26. It went off without a hitch. About 20 people watched a slideshow presented by Associate Director of Admission Melody O'Neil, heard from several administrators, and three students. One parent commented, "I think it was fantastic! You did a great job; especially since it was your first time."

"It was a success, and we plan to do another soon," said Admission Counselor Katie Chhu.


Posted in the category High School.