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Supporting Our Friends in Mozambique

March 4th, 2022

This year, Landmark educators will take a hiatus from traveling to Mozambique to share the School's method and best practices and to learn from the local teachers there. COVID-19 has interrupted this March break tradition for the past two years. 

This pause in travel has not deterred High School faculty member, Michelle Boucher, who is rallying the generosity of her Landmark colleagues to support the work of the Sunshine Approach Foundation in its mission to improve the lives of the poor and orphaned children and families in Mozambique. Michelle says, "I am overwhelmed by all of the donations coming in for Mozambique. In a little over 30 hours, we have raised enough money to sponsor two months of Beacons of Light programming for each of the 48 children who currently attend. This program allows the neediest preschool-aged children in communities throughout Mozambique to go to a local home three days each week and receive a safe place to play and learn. They also get a basic preschool education and breakfast while they are there. This entire program is made possible by the Mozambican women who are paired with four to six orphaned children who they then raise as their own in houses sponsored by the Sunshine Approach Foundation. While raising the children, the women also run the Beacons of Light program. Simply put, the work they do is awe-inspiring."

Michelle continues to collect funds from fellow Landmark faculty and staff members, 100% of which will benefit the Sunshine Approach Foundation.  

Posted in the category High School.